Welcoming the Home page to Compass

Compass has a rich catalog that contains lots of useful information about your software architecture. You’ve assigned owner teams to components and joined some yourself. Your scorecards help measure the health of components, while CheckOps and Team pages help you improve developer experience across your organization.

With these foundations in place information about your components are trustworthy and up-to-date. But we wanted to go one step further and make this data instantly accessible too.


Introducing a new Home page for Compass that shows you everything you need to know about the software components YOU care about, in a single view.

Select Home in the main navigation to see it in action.

From the Home page you can easily answer questions such as:

  • How are my components performing against their scorecards?

  • Did my team ship our latest feature on time?

  • Are there any open incidents that might affect me?

  • Did upstream teams make changes that might cause an incident in the future?

The Activity and Scorecards tabs show you the components you care about. (Coming soon, you’ll also see announcements from your team and teams that impact you, and open team CheckOps actions.)


The Compass Home page is a one-stop-shop for everything you need to know to keep your architecture healthy and your devs happy, before something goes wrong.


Jan-Hendrik Spieth
November 17, 2022

I had been missing some of "my" component at first. Then I realized the home screen only shows component "your teams own". Whereas the ones owned by myself, personally, aren't visible.

Is that on purpose?

Like Erik Budtke likes this
Erik Budtke
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 17, 2022

@Jan-Hendrik Spieth thanks for checking out the new home page! Just curious, when you say you aren't seeing components owned by you, do you mean components that you have created? By default, we don't assign ownership of components to their author.

You are correct in that the only components that will show up on this dashboard are ones that are owned by teams that you are currently a member of. However, we currently don't support assigning ownership of a component to an individual (see the attached screenshot). That being said, if that is a use case you'd like to see, I'm more than happy to make sure we log that feedback!image.png

Like Sanjay Harwani likes this
Jan-Hendrik Spieth
November 17, 2022

Hi @Erik Budtke thanks for the reply.

I've got a bit of weirdity going on here.

Looks like there is "me" team, and I've selected that as owner for several components, thinking this meant me. The team page says the only member is "former user" (and clicking that, the profile page indicates the user has been deleted).

Screenshot 2022-11-18 083616.png

I'm not aware of creating it, and first glance, I haven't found a way to delete it.

What's with that "me" team? :-)


Bottom line for the home page is - all ok: I didn't see those components on the home page, because they are owned by that funky "me" team, which isn't me, after all ;-)

Erik Budtke
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 21, 2022

Sorry for missing this last week @Jan-Hendrik Spieth , I can absolutely see why this led you to think you were assigning components to yourself :D 

It seems like someone in your org created that team, maybe to simulate single person component ownership? Unsure on that last part, but I can absolutely help you clean it up!

If you'd like to delete that team, first you should go to the "Me" team's profile page by clicking on the 'Edit team profile' button. 
Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 11.55.42 AM.png


Once there, click the 'Join this team' button (now you really are me, err I mean you? O_o). Now you should have a new menu option behind the '...' to get rid of that imposter me once and for all.

Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 12.04.27 PM.png


Let me know if that works!   

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