Get in on the Miscellaneous Monday action and earn the badge by signing up below!
(Don't forget to earn the Kudos as well by participating in 10 different Miscellaneous Monday discussions)
You will get a reminder when it's your turn
This year it will be AI-generated avatars, so the more we know about you in the Community, the better the prompts to Dall-E will be!
Feel free to make it as miscellaneous as you possibly can
Here’s the Miscellaneous Monday search filter to be inspired by previous discussions!
You can post the Miscellaneous Monday once it's Monday at Atlassian HQ in Sydney
As soon as your turn comes around, you can use this link to create a Miscellaneous Monday discussion!
Just post a comment below to sign up - feel free to choose a date that bests suits you!
This is open to ALL community members, whether you have the tag I’m New Here, Member, Rising Star, Community Leader, Community Manager or Atlassian Team - we want EVERYONE to feel comfortable getting in on the action and starting a discussion!
Monday, January 8, 2024:- @Andy Gladstone : Miscellaneous Monday - The Magic of Maps!
Monday, January 15, 2024: @Ananjan_Mishra : Miscellaneous Monday - Tell us about your funniest dreams!
Monday, January 22, 2024: @John Funk : What is the name of your plant?
Monday, January 29, 2024: @Hana Kučerová : Miscellanous Monday - Puzzle Day (29th January)
Monday, February 5, 2024: @Kai Becker : Miscellanous Monday - start your week off right
Monday, February 12, 2024: @Summer Hogan : Miscellaneous Monday – Did you watch the Super Bowl?
Monday, February 19, 2024: @Jimmy Seddon : Miscellaneous Monday: What is "Family Day"?
Monday, February 26, 2024: @Sajit Nair _Trundl_ : Miscellaneous Monday: What's your favourite Indian delicacy ?
Monday, March 4, 2024: @Dreamsuite Mike : Miscellaneous Monday: March Forth...(and do something day)
Monday, March 11, 2024: @Sam Nadarajan : Miscellaneous Monday: What's your good luck charm/habit/tradition?
Monday, March 18, 2024: @NAYANA
Monday, March 25, 2024: @Barbara Szczesniak : Miscellaneous Monday: Have you read your Tolkien?
@Jimmy Seddon you are up! Here’s your avatar helping us navigate the Atlassian Community.
I can do January 22, 2024 please.
@John Funk here is your reminder. You are up this Monday!
This AI generated image came from the prompt "A pixel art image of a helpful friend guiding followers through a maze. The helpful should be saying wise words and sharing wisdom along the journey."
@Andy Gladstone, can I grab a spot on January 15th?
@Ananjan_Mishra you are up on Monday. I'm posting reminders on Friday local time for particpants this quarter.
Here is your AI generated superhero reminder. The prompt was: A pixel art image of a superhero flying through the sky with the letter A on his cape. There should be an orange in the background.
@Ananjan_Mishra just a final reminder that today is your day.
@Andy Gladstone the emoji is fantastic! Thanks for this wonderful reminder. I loved it!✌️🤩
I'll take Monday, February 12, 2024 @Andy Gladstone
I'll be offline for a lot of the day tomorrow, so here is your avatar reminder that you're up this Monday, albeit a bit early!
I'm so sad I didn't get an avatar @Andy Gladstone! I can't help but wonder what it could have been.
Um. @Summer Hogan you did. It's the one posted in this thread... Here it is again - the prompt to the AI engine was "A pixel art avatar of a female aviator with red hair in summer near a cactus"
I'll take Monday, February 2, 2024 @Andy Gladstone :)
@Kai Becker I assume you meant February 5. I've added you to that date.
@Andy Gladstone you are right :)
@Kai Becker here is your AI generated image to remind you that you are up this Monday!
The AI prompt was a nod to Atlassian's roots, and the fact that you list Bamboo in your community profile.
Hi @Andy Gladstone , please give me Monday, February 26, 2024.
In honor of the King of Quiz Masters, a pixel art avatar of a Swami teaching us how it is done! You're up Monday @Sajit Nair _Trundl_!
Hi @Andy Gladstone ,
I can prepare something for tomorrow, if it helps…
Thanks for stepping up and reaching out to me to take this on @Hana Kučerová. Here is your avatar!
Nice one @Andy Gladstone !
March 4th please 😊
@Dreamsuite Mike you got it!
I can take March 11
@Sam Nadarajan you are the man (or droid!)
@Sam Nadarajan you are up this Monday! Here's your avatar!
@NAYANA you got it! I use - it integrates really well into the Atlassian Community.
Here is your personalized avatar reminder for this coming Monday @NAYANA! Have a great weekend!
@Andy Gladstone I'll take March 25th to complete the list.
@Barbara Szczesniak thanks for completing this quarter's line-up!
@Barbara Szczesniak here is your avatar reminder!
@Andy Gladstone I see all dates have been taken till March 2024, I would like to have April 1, 2024 whenever available. Please let me know if its possible.
@ABR I'll be publishing that sign up list next week and will put you in for April 1!
@Andy Gladstone Made the April signup list yet? Looking forward to it!
@ABR please use the instruction in this discussion to post on April 1. I have been travelling and I am still working on the April-June signup sheet, but wanted to make sure you are all ready for April 1. Please reply to confirm! I'll tag you on the new discussion thread once I have had time to post.