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Miscellaneous Monday - The Magic of Maps!

Andy Gladstone
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January 7, 2024

I admit, I have been facinated by maps since I was a young child. There has always been something magical and majestic about maps. They could be the key to finding lost treasure, or just the key to not being lost.

But even more than showing us where we may be going, they have the ability to show us where we have been. 

My children have also been bitten by the map bug. We have the 2013 and 2022 editions of the National Geographic Concise Atlas of the World in our house, and whenever you pass the kids sitting in the living room one of them will almost always have their nose in an Atlas.

When I started travelling overseas for business one of the first things I looked for was a European Map. Having lived in the United States my whole life, North America was always the center of the map, and I wanted to see one produced by Europeans. The store, Reisboekhandel Pied à Terre, and the map that I shipped back to the US both did not did disappoint!

Even my first Community related meme was map oriented!

FMA - Andy Barker - World Tour.jpg

(Kudos to @Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_ for the photo and @Fun Man Andy for being the prop)

A few miscellaneous facts about maps I found interesting and wanted to share with you too!

  • Modern cartographers often include fake towns and places into their maps on purpose. The fake towns are called phantom settlements, paper towns or bunnies. Therefore, when they come across a map with a similar phony town, they will know it is a copy!
  • Interestingly, maps always have different projections since the Earth is spherical, whereas the maps are flat. Hence, there is no accurate map of the world, so the predictions change depending on its purpose.
  • The Mercator projections have some shortcomings. It is inaccurate for direction, meaning land area and distance are often distorted. The forecast shows Europe and North America bigger than actual size, and Greenland and Africa appear identical, even though Africa is fourteen times larger.
  • The best map collection in the world is in Paris in Bibliotheque Nationale de France, followed by the Library of Congress in the US and British Library.
  • The best place to purchase maps is the Netherlands. The yearly European Fine Art and Antiques Fair in the Netherlands are considered the world’s ideal place to shop for modern, classic, and antique maps.

Here is your CTA (Call to Action) today: When leaving a comment about your experience/love/hate/otherwise relationship with maps, tell us what city and country you are located in so we can build a map of the respondants on this post!

Don't forget to reserve your spot for sharing a Miscellaneous Monday post - signup for January-March 2024 is now live.

Have a great week ahead!




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John Funk
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January 7, 2024

Nice post @Andy Gladstone !!  I, too, am fascinated with maps - even from when I was a kid. I could spend HOURS looking at Google Earth. 

I am located in Dubai, UAE.

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Andy Gladstone
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January 8, 2024

@John Funk I'm with you on Google Earth. Amazing how we have been able to visit wherever we want, whenever we want - and see the wonders of the world. I've added your pin to the map.

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Ajay _view26_
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January 8, 2024

Great topic @Andy GladstoneWhen I was little, I loved looking at maps and dreaming about different countries. Now, I use Google Maps to find my way around, even in places I've never been before 🌍

Ajay - Cochin- India

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Andy Gladstone
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January 8, 2024

@Ajay _view26_ you've been added to the map. I hope you get to explore some of those places in 2024!

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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January 8, 2024

Big map fan, not enough wall space to display them all.

Denver, CO

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Andy Gladstone
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January 8, 2024

I would love a map table - which solves the wallspace problem. 

I've dropped a Denver, CO pin on the map. Thanks for participating,

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Amanda Barber
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January 9, 2024

I loved this post - love hearing about your kiddos following your interests, too. :-D 

I'm in Greenfield, Wisconsin, USA!

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Andy Gladstone
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January 9, 2024

Thanks for the feedback! You're now on the map too.

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Jimmy Seddon
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January 11, 2024

Sorry I'm late to this conversation.  Great topic @Andy Gladstone!

I'm less of a fan of reading maps as I am of trying to commit them to memory.  I have a really good ability to visualize a 3-d map in my head and I'm usually really good at "building" said map as I walk around (much like I will do at Team '24).  I LOVE maps for helping me optimize my path once I have memorized the layout.

Have a great rest of the week.

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Andy Gladstone
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January 11, 2024

Better late than never! I agree with your very accurate self-awareness @Jimmy Seddon - walking around Team '23 with you was liking having a personal Google Maps bot. You knew exactly where the booths we needed to hit were.

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Summer Hogan
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January 12, 2024

I'm coming to hang out with you at Team '24 @Jimmy Seddon and @Andy Gladstone! Can't wait to meet you both and so many more people! 

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Summer Hogan
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January 12, 2024

Love this post @Andy Gladstone! I'm located in Gilbert, Arizona, USA. 

I also love maps, maybe not as much as others, but I have a very expensive globe that my brother-in-law got me for Christmas one year and I love to just sit and explore different places on it. I also love Google Earth and love when I find defects in the maps and reporting them to the Earth team. 

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Andy Gladstone
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January 13, 2024

A globe is one of the best accents for any home!

Ankush Bora January 18, 2024

When it comes to online 'navigation maps', I always wonder if I could beat technology - had I opted for a different route.
Unfortunately, I do not have a clone (as of now) and may never been able to prove it to myself.
Buried Treasure Adventure GIF by Kev Lavery

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Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_
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January 25, 2024

If you like Maps, @Andy Gladstone , I highly recommend the "Map Men" series by Jay Foreman: MAP MEN - YouTube

It's hillarious!

I am located in Cologne, Germany and a little late to this Misc. Monday party ;)

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Andy Gladstone
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February 29, 2024

@Rebekka Heilmann _viadee_ thanks for the new channel for me to binge watch! I have it queued up already.

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ABR February 26, 2024


My love is reserved for ancient maps and maps of fantasy lands created by authors like Tolkien! They open your mind and allow your imagination to run wild in ways that the digital media cannot. Thank god for these escape routes to the wonderful worlds, they keep me sane - no matter the challenges and stress of the real world!

I'm a carto-enthusiast from Kolkata, India - it is the largest city in eastern India. Once considered the second capital of the British empire, today it is considered the cultural capital of the magic that is India!

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Shawn Doyle - ReleaseTEAM
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February 27, 2024

Map from a game I spent way too much time in.

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wkennedy March 18, 2024

Maps are great! I make heatmaps for Jira issues all the time from 27.724722, -82.741943

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