integration jira with gitlab

Samar alghamdi
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May 14, 2024

hey guys, I am trying to do integration btwn jira and gitlab.

the this is this every time I try to add the gitlab instance it keeps showing "Failed to update the GitLab instance"

and I'm trying gitlab on prim and in the web!!!

no matter what I do, it shows the same error!!!!!!!!!!!!

any help!

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Pasam Venkateshwarrao
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May 14, 2024

Hi @Samar alghamdi 


To Integrate two application the user should have admin for both Jira and Gitlab,there is a free plugin " git integration for jira" install the plugin and then goto configure there you will find gitlab cloud.

Samar alghamdi
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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May 20, 2024

I'm an admin on both of them, Installed the git plugin in jira and finished setting it up as well as the OAuth in GitLab. 

But, It's not working!!!

I don't know what seems to be the problem here?? Is it only works with groups?

do you have any secessions? 


Now the integration works, but from jira to gitlab not the other way and I need it to be FROM gitlab TO jira!!!

any ideas? 

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