Why is it not possible to @tag a team in comments on Mobile app

Chris Jollands
November 16, 2023

With the addition of being able to assign tasks to teams as well as individuals I had hoped that this would allow for the ability to @Tag the team from the mobile app.

Sadly this is not the case and will limit our efficiency in using this new function as a good number of our users use JIRA 'on the fly' with the app.

Please consider this functionality to be included in the roadmap for future implementation as it greatly increase the communication between our teams.

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Dan Breyen
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November 16, 2023

Hi Chris, I did a quick search of Atlassian's Jira site (jira.atlassian.com) and came across this ticket which I believe explains your issue.  It appears that it's not just a mobile issue. JRACLOUD-28225 

Feel free to vote for and watch it for updates.

Chris Jollands
November 16, 2023

Hi Dan,

I think this is similar topic but not the same. On the desktop i can tag a team no issue but when i try the same operation on the mobile app there is no option.

First pic is from desktop and second is screenshot from app.

JIRA tag.pngImage.jpeg

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