Why doesnt work option to link issues only on specific issue type?

Carlos Madriz March 4, 2020

Hi.  I have this problem

When I tried to link issue using icon (not menu) nothing happend. 

But this only happend for one issuetype.  



2 answers

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Carlos Madriz March 10, 2020

Hi @Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group , sorry for my late answer.

- This happen on just one project. I tested on other project and works good.

- This happen on just one IssueType on that project

- For the same IssueType on other project works good.



- When I click on "Link Issue" nothing happen.



Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
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March 10, 2020

@Carlos Madriz you might be missing the link issues permission on that project which is why you have the problem. Do you have more than one issue type on that project? It should be happening to all of them if so.

Btw... There is no image attached to your answer, just the work screenshot

Carlos Madriz March 10, 2020

@Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group   I have more than one issue type on the project.

"Link issue" works for other issue type.  Just doesnt work for one issuetype.

Sorry. I didnt attach screenshoot because "Link issue" dont make anything when I click on this option.  (that just happen on one project on one issuetype)



Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
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March 10, 2020

ok, you are on Jira Cloud right? if so, by any chance is it a next gen project? what happens if you want to link another issue to one of those that don't work? I mean, doing the link with the issue type that fails as the destination not the origin of the link issue process

Carlos Madriz March 10, 2020

Yes I am on Jira Cloud.

I just did this test.  (A = Issue type with problem, B = Other issuetype without problem)

1) From  B to A is OK
2) From A to B on menu in "Old View" is OK
3) From A to B on icon in "New View" doesnt do anything. (NOT OK)


Carlos Madriz March 10, 2020


Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
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March 10, 2020

Then sounds like a bug than a configuration problem. Report this to Atlassian Support team, they might be able to help. Since you are in cloud there aren't many more options at this point.

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Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
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March 4, 2020

Hi @Carlos Madriz could you add some screenshots to show what you see? Does this happen on any project or just one? I suppose that any other issue type within that same project you mention that it does work, correct?

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