Where is 'Components` field in new Jira experience?

Eloy Pineda
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November 13, 2018

I have created a new project recently and I am missing quite a few features that I have in previously create projects.

The main feature I am looking for is the Components.

The older project has all this options:

Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 10.37.51.png

While the new one only have these:

Screen Shot 2018-11-13 at 10.38.02.png

Are Components deprecated?

3 answers

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Nilesh Patel November 13, 2018

@Eloy Pineda 
When utilizing Next-gen projects, we added a "Checkbox" field with Options to simulate the same functionality as what existed as "Components" in Classic Jira.
Hope that helps!

Eloy Pineda
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November 14, 2018

Thanks for the tip @Nilesh Patel

Andreea Pelea
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April 22, 2019

@Eloy Pineda 


Did you succeed in filtering by Component? I tried the same thing but a tooltip said that the filtering could not be done by Component for that project. 

Fowler January 15, 2020

This is a workaround, not a solution

Christian Giroux
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November 17, 2020

Hi! Checkbox are limited to 55 entries but I would require hundreds for a project. Any idea how to get there? (we already use labels for another purpose)

Nikki Zavadska [Appfire]
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May 19, 2021

Hi @Christian Giroux

I went through several community posts and the solutions that I found for next-gen components were checkbox fields, labels, or using automation for Jira for custom assignees.

Because I didn't find any other solution and the improvement ticket to introduce components to next-gen is open since February 2019 there wasn't another option for our team other than to build this functionality in our component management plugin.

You can read more about workarounds for next-gen components and their limitations in this community article 👉 How to create Components in team-managed (former Next-gen) projects 

Let me know if you have any other ideas on how to manage components in Next-gen and I'll include them in the article.



0 votes
Graham Wimbleton November 18, 2018

I had the same question regarding components, but as per Nilesh's comment and my findings it appears you create your own customer field and call it components.

0 votes
Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 13, 2018

Hi Eloy,

The components appear only on Classic projects. The project that you created that has fewer features are next-gen projects.
Please, check our documentation for more details about next-gen projects and let us know if you have any other question:

- Everything you want to know about next-gen projects in Jira Cloud
- Manage and administer next-gen projects


Richard Li August 16, 2019

Hi Angelica,


I added a check box field in my Epic issue type to simulate a "Component" to group my Epics. Can you please tell me how I can filter my check box options?




Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 19, 2019

Hi Richard,

Currently, it's possible only to filter by Label, Epic and Type on next-gen projects.
We have a feature request suggesting the ability to create quick filters:
- https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JSWCLOUD-17446
Please, click on vote and watch to receive updates about the feature.


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