We have a team of 5 members and for those 5 members need individual status of their assigned issues

February 3, 2021

Hi Team,

We have a team of 5 members and those 5 members need the individual status of their assigned issues when they log in. I know this can be achieved by writing quick filters but how?


2 answers

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Ste Wright
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February 3, 2021

Hi @Nani 

Aside from the board options mentioned by Alexis (which are a great option), there are a few other options worth considering:

  • Dashboard: You could provide a dashboard as each user's home page. This could list their open issues, the status of them, things that are important or overdue, etc. See more about how to create dashboards on What is a Jira dashboard?
    • If creating a dashboard, check out gadgets such as Assigned to Me or Issues in Progress which show a list of issues dynamically based on the logged in user.
    • Alternatively, if creating filters use Assignee = currentuser() in your JQL
  • Boards: Whilst it is good practice for team members to use the central Scrum board, another option is to create a further board and include in the Board's filter Assignee = currentuser() - similar to the dashboard above, this would show each user their assigned issues without further filtering
  • Your Work: Another option is to use the "Your Work" tab, which lists a user's assigned issues also. This tab is available on the main navigation bar along the top.

To be clear, an issue doesn't need to be worked on or moved from the Scrum board each time. Boards are just a visualisation of a filter, so it's fine to have these other views if they're more suitable for letting team members know what they're working on!


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Alexis Robert
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February 3, 2021

Hi @Nani , 


you could add a gadget to your Default dashboard and include something like a Two-Dimensional Filter Statistics Gadget : https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira064/adding-the-two-dimensional-filter-statistics-gadget-720416991.html


Let me know if this helps, 



February 3, 2021


I am talking about sprint issues.

When the user is logged in to boards and he must be able to see his assigned issue only not others issues.

Is there any way to achieve this?


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Alexis Robert
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February 3, 2021

Hi @Nani ,


you should already have an option to do this on your board, where you can click on the user avatar to select issues assigned to him/her : 


Screenshot 2021-02-03 at 10.17.38.png


They can also click on "Only My Issues" button.

Let me know if this helps, 



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