Validation on UpdatedDate

ruanda_grobler February 2, 2021


I have a status "Closed" (resolution field: done) and a status "Planned" (resolution field: open). If a card has been placed in the "Closed" status, and after some time has expired, the developer reopens the card by changing the status to "planned", I want the validation to fail the status change IF the issue has been updated more than 30 days ago.

I've tried both the Date Compare Validator and the Date Window Validator options, but I'm definitely doing it wrong and running out of old issues to test. Please assist :)

1 answer

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Nishanth Thimmareddy (Appfire)
Atlassian Partner
February 2, 2021

Hi @ruanda_grobler,

Welcome to the community!

I am the product manager at Bob Swift Atlassian Apps (an Appfire company).

Create on Transition for Jira Cloud's Conditioned Validator should be able to help you get this done. You can use the following Jira expression and give an appropriate error message while configuring the validator. 

issue.updated > new Date().minusDays(30)

This will return true if the issue has been updated in the last 30 days, return false if the issue has been updated more than 30 days ago and thereby failing the validation.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Nishanth T

ruanda_grobler February 2, 2021

Hi Nishanth, I'm assuming I need a plugin for this? Is there any way to do this without a plugin?

Nishanth Thimmareddy (Appfire)
Atlassian Partner
February 4, 2021

Hi @ruanda_grobler 

Thanks for checking. I have reviewed this in validator configuration and it is possible without the plugin too through the following configuration:

Screenshot 2021-02-05 at 12.39.21 PM.png

Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.


Nishanth T

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