Hello there,
I am currently having my own structure of issues which looks like above:
|--- Level 1 (type of Task)
|------ Level 2 (type of subtask)
When the due date is changed in the Level 2 I need that the Parent (Level 1), update it's due date and consequently the Epic will update it's due date too.
I've already saw the thread "https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Updating-start-and-due-date-on-a-parent-from-its-subtasks/qaq-p/1776092" but I think is something simpler in my case. I should group by the due date of the level 2 subtasks and update the Level 1 with the last due date that I have in the Level 2.
Then group by the due date of level 1 and update the Epic with the last due date that I found.
It's possible? Can you help me on how to do it?
I've read this:
But I cannot undrstand how to perform the "lookup":
Can you give me the right JQL Syntax?
Best Regards,