Team views

Chris Guillermo
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April 28, 2020

New to Jira Software.

I have a single project and creating multiple boards for different scrum teams.

I couldn't find an option to create a team and add members. I was thinking I would create a team and assign them to a board so each team only views user stories assigned to them.

Right now, when I create multiple boards they all have the same result set or list of issues (user stories).

I started going down the path of adding a filter to the board.

Is that the best way to separate issues or user stories between multiple scrum teams on a single project?

Is there a feature to create a team and add team members?



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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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May 1, 2020

Hi @Chris Guillermo -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

Issues are associated to the project (backlog) and each board is a view of that backlog.  When you have different teams using different boards, you set the filter for each board to show what you want.

Something to consider is how you distinguish the work on the two boards.  Some people use a Component value, allowing you to create different filters for the different boards.


Best regards,


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