Hi there,
I am trying to send some lookupobject results to a confluence page via the Send web request in JSM automation but can't get past a 500 error.
As part of the custom data I have this
tied in with the rest of the process I end up with a page with that in the body but it is just a massive block of text.
I am not sure how to display this in a table format when sent over to confluence.
Hi @Ste404 - I think you'll actually need to convert it into Confluence Wiki Markup format which looks like this:
||heading 1||heading 2||heading 3||
|cell A1|cell A2|cell A3|
|cell B1|cell B2|cell B3|
So in your case, something like this might do the trick:
Hey @Darryl Lee I was actually trying that out as I saw something on another site about that.
I don't get the line breaks though, when I tried that out.
had me with a mass of text
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oh.. /n
gives me the breaks I need, but now I just need to wrap it all up in a nice evenly spaced table :)
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Hey Team,
I am trying to create a page like this but when I added other info on a page - failed.
Do you have any idea about the {{#lookupIssues}} table view on wiki page?
"spaceId": "12345",
"status": "current",
"title": "{{issue.key}} - {{issue.summary}}",
"parentId": "{{webResponse.body.id}}",
"body": {
"representation": "storage",
"value": "<ac:layout><ac:layout-section ac:type=\"fixed-width\" ac:breakout-mode=\"default\"><ac:layout-cell><h2><span style=\"color: rgb(76,154,255);\"> {{issue.summary}} PROJESİ - {{issue.status.name}}</span></h2><p /></ac:layout-cell></ac:layout-section><ac:layout-section ac:type=\"three_equal\" ac:breakout-mode=\"full-width\"><ac:layout-cell><ac:structured-macro ac:name=\"info\" ac:schema-version=\"1\" ac:macro-id=\"f85629f7-c299-4461-ae5c-61beac8367fb\"><ac:rich-text-body><h3>PROJE AMACI</h3><p>{{issue.customfield_10323}}</p></ac:rich-text-body></ac:structured-macro><ac:structured-macro ac:name=\"panel\" ac:schema-version=\"1\" ac:macro-id=\"cf18cdaf-fa3b-430e-aded-ed81cdf20a59\"><ac:parameter ac:name=\"panelIcon\">:note:</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"panelIconId\">atlassian-note</ac:parameter><ac:parameter ac:name=\"bgColor\">#FFFAE6</ac:parameter><ac:rich-text-body><h3>KAZANIM</h3><p>{{issue.customfield_10325}}</p></ac:rich-text-body></ac:structured-macro></ac:layout-cell><ac:layout-cell><p><ac:emoticon ac:name=\"blue-star\" ac:emoji-shortname=\":roller_coaster:\" ac:emoji-id=\"1f3a2\" ac:emoji-fallback=\"🎢\" /> <strong>Tamamlanma Oranı:</strong> {{issue.customfield_10352}}</p><p><strong>SPI:</strong> {{issue.customfield_10357}}</p><h6>SPI= EV/PV < 1 ise kazanılan değer, planladığımız değerin altında kalmış demektir.</h6><hr /><p><ac:emoticon ac:name=\"blue-star\" ac:emoji-shortname=\":heavy_dollar_sign:\" ac:emoji-id=\"1f4b2\" ac:emoji-fallback=\"💲\" /> <strong>Proje Bütçesi:</strong> {{issue.customfield_10336}}</p><p><strong>CPI:</strong> {{issue.customfield_10358}}</p><h6>CPI= EV/AC < 1 ise kazanılanın üstünde bir harcama yaptık demektir.</h6></ac:layout-cell><ac:layout-cell><p><ac:emoticon ac:name=\"blue-star\" ac:emoji-shortname=\":date:\" ac:emoji-id=\"1f4c5\" ac:emoji-fallback=\"📅\" /> <strong>Hedef Başlangıç - Bitiş Tarihi: </strong>{{issue.customfield_10035.jiraDate}} - {{issue.Due date.jiraDate}}</p><p /><p><ac:emoticon ac:name=\"blue-star\" ac:emoji-shortname=\":busts_in_silhouette:\" ac:emoji-id=\"1f465\" ac:emoji-fallback=\"👥\" /> <strong>Proje Yöneticisi: </strong>{{issue.customfield_10332.displayName}}</p><p /><p><ac:emoticon ac:name=\"blue-star\" ac:emoji-shortname=\":gear:\" ac:emoji-id=\"2699\" ac:emoji-fallback=\"⚙️\" /> <strong>İş Modeli: </strong>{{issue.customfield_10333}}</p></ac:layout-cell></ac:layout-section><ac:layout-section ac:type=\"fixed-width\" ac:breakout-mode=\"default\"><ac:layout-cell><h2><span style=\"color: rgb(76,154,255);\">AKSİYONLAR</span></h2><p /><p>||Konu||Statü||Sorumlu||Tarih||
|{{summary}}| {{status.name}} | {{assignee.displayName}} | {{duedate}} |
{{/}} </p><p /></ac:layout-cell></ac:layout-section></ac:layout>"
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