Search for any cascade parentOption with no assigned childOption value

Victoria Lee
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February 11, 2021

I'd like to search within a CascadeOption for all parentOption values that have no assigned childOption values, please.  There is no keyword for "any" but there must be something similar I'm missing.

project = projectname AND ("Department Queue[Select List (cascading)]" in cascadeOption(any, none) OR "Department Queue[Select List (cascading)]" IS EMPTY) ORDER BY created DESC

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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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February 11, 2021

@Victoria Lee, I  don't see anything like that in the documentation. I see how you can use the none option, but I don't see any documentation relating to "any". How many parent options are there?



Victoria Lee
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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February 11, 2021

@Kian Stack Mumo Systems there are currently 8 parent options.  I'm using OR statements to get around the limitation of an "any" option but it's unwieldy.

Thank you,


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