ScriptRunner Behaviour not opening edit screen when clicked on custom_field which has Behaviour set

Sam007 October 24, 2018


I have one custom field(Picture 2 - SA Approved) which I only want to keep it as Read Only. I have set Behaviour in scriptrunner for that field to be as Read Only.

The Behaviour is working as expected but when I edit some other field on view issue screen and then try to edit that custom field(Picture 2 - SA Approved) for which I have set the Behaviour its not opening edit screen and allowing me to edit that field.(Picture 3).

After Refreshing the page when I again try to click on custom field(Picture 2 - SA Approved) its redirecting me to edit page and keeping the field as read only.(Picture 4) which is expected

I think this is a bug in scriptrunner where its not firing the behaviour when some other field is edited on that page.

Can someone please help to resolve this issue.

Picture 1 -

Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at 5.57.32 PM.png


Picture 2 -

Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at 5.57.11 PM.png

Picture 3 -

Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at 6.01.11 PM.png


Picture 4 (Read only in edit view screen)-

Screen Shot 2018-10-24 at 6.10.34 PM.png


2 answers

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Jenna Davis
Rising Star
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October 25, 2018

Hello Sam007, 

It's possible that you're running into a bug, like you suspect, or that something else is going wrong here depending on what else your doing in your instance. Would you be able to submit a support request on the Adaptavist support portal? If you do this the support team will be able to assist you further and can get things like logs and more details on your setup in a more secure environment. 


Sam007 October 25, 2018

I opened a support ticket with Adaptavist and they were able to reproduce this issue. They have opened a ticket on their end -

Please vote or comment on the ticket if it's impacting you as well.

0 votes
Fazila Ashraf
Community Leader
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October 25, 2018

Hi @Sam007

But why do you want that field in edit screen?

You could remove it from edit and keep it in the view screen (and any transition screens where it gets filled) ?

Sam007 October 25, 2018

@Fazila AshrafI want to give write access to that field for some of the groups in one of the Status of Jira workflow

So in that case what I should do?

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