Restrict project access does not work

Jeroen Schmitz
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September 3, 2019

I am currently evaluating Jira so I'm all new to setting it up, but I'm already running into a problem. What I'm trying to achieve is basically exactly what is described here
However, it does not work. I followed the exact same steps as described over there, but no matter what I try, all users still have access to either all or none of the projects. I created two test projects but I cannot manage to achieve that a certain user only has access to one of those two projects instead of both. Is there an essential step missing in that knowledge base page? Or am I missing something else?

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Jean-Théo [Adaptavist]
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September 3, 2019

Hello @Jeroen Schmitz and welcome to the community!

What kind of classification are you using for your users by project/permission scheme? Are you using groups or project roles?

Did you update the "users and roles" of each project?

Maybe your permission scheme is either too permissive or not enough, what permissions did you give to exemple logged-in users?

Best regards,


Jeroen Schmitz
I'm New Here
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September 4, 2019

Ehm, I actually have no idea what you are talking about here :)
As I mentioned, I'm completely new to this and all I have done is just take Jira as it comes with its default settings, then follow the instructions above in attempt to separate access to different projects. The terms you mention above don't mean much to me yet, so I don't know. If there are additional steps to be taken to achieve what I want, are those described anywhere then?

Jean-Théo [Adaptavist]
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September 4, 2019

I can explain in more details the steps that you should follow to do this.

  1. Determine if you want to use groups or only project roles.
    1. Groups are global in the instance and allow you to set permissions for a set of users in different projects
    2. Project roles are defined globally, but have a different set of users for each project (can be easier to use if you start)
  2. Setup the permission scheme using the project role/groups (ex : browse project -> project role : administrator) You can also see it in the screenshot I inserted
  3. Make sure to associate the permission scheme with the project!
  4. Head in the project settings -> users and rolesScreen Shot 2019-09-04 at 11.27.53 AM.png
  5. Make sure to associate either groups or single users to the specific project's roles
  6. You should be good to go!

Also, a link that explains permissions quite well :

And if you'd like to do some video tutorials to learn more about how Jira and it's configurations work, you should check out :

Let me know if this works or you need further help!

Best regards,


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