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František Vůjtek May 8, 2023

Im so confused...

Loosing my mind right here.

The Jira automation is trying to kill my last patience.

I have created the rule which is creating a new issue in another project and it can't pair a request type on it -.- so i said to my self OK, i will add it in another automation in the second project. But there is NO trigger which would trigger the action after the issue was created with that previous automation in other project. 

Simply it wasn't taking any action. So i have create a ticket manually via create button on the bar in jira and it was working.. -.-

So, the jira automation is making a difference between ticket which has been created via automation and the tickets which have been created manually. Thats no sense. I have spent last 4 hours figuring why my triggers and automations are not working and this is the reason. 

Tell my why Jira? Tell my why..

2 answers

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František Vůjtek May 8, 2023

Someone should check it. This is definetelly a bug. 

When you will set a trigger When issue is created, it will do NOTHING. When the automation created the issue from other project. 

But if you will create it manually, it works. There must be something wrong.Snipaste_2023-05-08_14-26-51.pngSnipaste_2023-05-08_14-27-27.pngSnipaste_2023-05-08_14-27-49.pngSnipaste_2023-05-08_14-28-02.png

František Vůjtek May 8, 2023

Ok so i have the solution.. -.- It because i didnt have checked the rule can be fired after that previous rule has been shot from another project. 


I hate my self and maybe little bit jira for this.

Thank you and have a nice day.

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Frederik Vantroys
Rising Star
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May 8, 2023

Maybe it has something to do with the projects being company managed or not ?

You can make automation rules in a project but also general "accross" projects.

František Vůjtek May 8, 2023

Hey, both of them are company managed.

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