Reduce the number of loops

David Stokes January 13, 2022


I've got a number of automations that are triggering off data changes, but also triggering other automation to update the data.  I'm now starting to hit the limit for number of loops, which is set at 10.  These limits are described here, and the one relating to loops states "This controls how many times a rule can trigger itself (or other rules) in quick succession before the execution is stopped and marked as a LOOP."

Due to the nature of Jira Automation, we need to "divide and conquer" complex automation in to smaller ones.  But this is contributing to the number of loops.

Anyway, anyone got any tips on dealing with reducing the number of loops.



2 answers

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Charlie Gavey
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 16, 2022

Hi David,

Can you share any more detail about your use case with the community, to help us understand how best to support this?

If you’d like to chat to the Automation team, we’re always happy to learn more about how you’re using Automation and how we can improve - feel free to book a time that suits:



David Stokes January 16, 2022

Hi Charlie

I've booked an appointment with you for tomorrow.

BTW - it appears I have avoided hitting the loop limit by using webhooks, achieving the same as having the logic in the automation.  But it seems a bit of a 'hack' to have to do this rather than doing everything in the automation.


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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 14, 2022

Hi @David Stokes , TBH it is a bit of a challenge to provide solid insights into this without "being there". With that said, what I would be looking at would be to simply pour through the current automation rules and reassess my goals. Loops are indeed quite dangerous at times and I would be looking at how to put conditions on my rules to control this. But again without really understanding what the rules look like and what I'm trying to achieve it's hard to say for sure if that's even a possibility. In the end it is gonna come down to re-factoring the rules.

I wish I could be more helpful here.

David Stokes January 14, 2022

Thanks @Jack Brickey 

To avoid the problem, I've had to trigger some of the automation through a schedule - unfortunately, the quickest it can trigger is every 5 mins, so it's really slowing me down in testing everything together.

One thought, could I use webhooks to trigger those automation and therefore would count as loops?


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