Pass credentials to Jira Service Desk from an intranet?

Jason Freeman May 6, 2018
Users login to our intranet using their credentials. From there, they click a link to get to Jira Service Desk. They then have to login to JSD using the same username and password that they used to login to the intranet.

We are getting complaints about these two logins.

Is there a way to pass the credentials? The intranet is written in PHP. Is there a way I can do a POST or similar? Is there an official way to do this?

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Alexey Matveev
Rising Star
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May 6, 2018

It is called Single Sign On (SSO). You should choose and setup an SSO server first, integrate it with your PHP application and then use an SSO plugin for Jira to integrate Jira to SSO.

For example, you can use the Kantega plugin:

Or find any other SSO plugins in the Atlassian Marketplace

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