Original Estimate Field non Editable

Hizkeel Khan May 23, 2022

Hello Everyone, 

Is there a way to make the original estimate fields non-editable. I don't want my developers to change the original time estimate field whenever they want. If the hours are entered in the field, only the admin should have the right to edit the field. 

I cannot track if the fields is being edited or not. This option should be disabled for all the developers. If the hours are entered in the field, they shouldn't make any changes to field anymore. 


1 answer

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Bandarupalli Sai May 24, 2022

Currently, there is no way to set the permissions for a specific field. Only way to achieve this is to add a condition called "Only users in this role" can execute the transition on the workflow transition to restrict the project roles (developers or Users) and You can then associate the transition with a screen by including the fields that you want the admin to edit. you have to remove the original estimate field from the edit screen. 


Note :- Make sure that edit screen have a separate screen that is not associated with create or view screens.

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