Order subtasks on parent issue by status

Kevin Dickson April 13, 2024

Hello community,

I would like to see the sub-tasks on my parent issues ordered where the ones with a 'done' status appear at the bottom of the parent issue.

I would like this when opening any parent ticket with sub-tasks, whether sidebar view or dialogue view.

I'm using Jira Cloud.

screenshot #1 is how they currently appear (I know I can re-order manually), but I would like to do this with automation if possible, so that when a subtask status changes to 'done' it moves to the bottom of the list automatically (screenshot #2)

Screenshot #1 Screenshot #1.png

Screenshot #2

Screenshot #2.png

3 answers

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John Funk
Community Leader
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April 13, 2024

Hi Kevin,

Unfortunately, you will not be able to resort them in that view. 

Kevin Dickson April 13, 2024

Thanks @John Funk 

I just remembered that automation cannot be used to 'order by', so not an option :-(

Would have been  useful view though when a story has large number of sub tasks assigned to it

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Hannes Obweger - JXL for Jira
Marketplace Partner
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April 13, 2024

Hi @Kevin Dickson

as already suggested, this isn't currently possible, however if you're open to solutions from the Atlassian Marketplace, you should get pretty close; see e.g. this thread for possible directions forward.

Best, Hannes

Jane April 17, 2024

Thanks Hannes!

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Amay Purohit_RVS
Rising Star
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April 13, 2024

Hi @Kevin Dickson 

If you would be interested in an add-on for this need, you can try out our plugin.

Issue Hierarchy 

The app allows you to filter for child issues using custom JQL or predefined filters. Also it shows your hierarchy in a tree format and  provides sum up at each level for time estimates and story points to track your project progress.

(Disclaimer: I work on RVS, the vendor for this app)

Epic Hierarchy - Child Issue JQL - Order by.PNG

Jane April 17, 2024

Thanks Amay 

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