Next gen project issues done but unresolved so not crossed out.

Dave Menconi March 4, 2020

This question is the same as stories on next-gen projects not crossed out when "done" but the answer in that one doesn't apply. 

The answer to that was that they had added a column to their board to the right of "done" and so moving things to done was no longer setting the resolution. 

But we have a board that has "done" at the far right. So that's not the problem.

The other answer I found was about Service Desk and Next Gen but this is software. 

All the issues that are resolved were resolved on or before the 2020-02-27; all the unresolved issues were resolved after that date.

In the logs there was an event on the 28th but it was removing a user from the project and I can't see how that should affect this at all. 

I tried moving an issue from "done" to "in progress" and then back again but it didn't help.  

3 answers

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 10, 2020

Hello @Dave Menconi

Thank you for reaching out.

I understand that, even if you move your Next-gen issues to the right-most column of your board, they did not get a proper resolution and keep appearing as open in your board. Is that correct?

I see you are using issues from a Next-gen project. Can you also let us know if you are using a Next-gen or Classic board?

Please, take a look at the final scenarios and check if any of them apply to you:

1 - If by an accident you move the last column before any other columns in a next-gen board, the issue resolution gets empty, however, it does not get resolved if you move the column back as the last column. This problem can be easily fixed by:

1 - Try to move the right-most column to the left-most column and reorder back correctly.

2 - Then, try to move the issue to any previous column and back to the right-most column. Although you already tried it, please try again once you do the step one.

2 - If you are using a Classic board, navigate to Board settings > Columns > Make sure the done status of your next-gen project is properly mapped in the right-most column

3 - Can you confirm if all the Next-gen issues can reproduce this problem? Did they got migrated from Classic projects?

Let us know if the steps above helped.

Dave Menconi March 11, 2020

It IS a nextgen board. 

The "done" column is the right most column.

I did confirm that other issues do the same thing. I did try to move unresolved issues from the last column to a previous column and back and it did NOT help.

Dave Menconi March 11, 2020

I think that moving the right-most column to the left and then back is probably the right answer. In the event, the Support Engineer created a new column. 

1 vote
Dave Menconi March 11, 2020

Atlassian Support for the win!


The problem was solved by creating a new right most column, moving it to the left and then deleting it. This fixes the right most column so it sets the resolutions correctly.

@Petter Gonçalves answer 1.1 above might also work: instead of creating a new column, just move the right-most column to the left and back again. I did not try it but it seems like it would be equivalent. 

At this point the issues may still not be resolved so they may need to be moved to the left and back. 


At this point the problem is fully resolved. 

Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
March 11, 2020

I'm glad your problem is solved, @Dave Menconi

Indeed, the incoherency that is eventually caused by the movement of the columns and issues in Next-gen can be fixed by enforcing a re-index with the moving of the right-most column out and back to the same position.

Have a nice day and let us know in case you have any other questions.

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Jeroen Koomen
I'm New Here
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June 7, 2020


I think I have a similar issue. I have a next gen board and I have a sprint where I deleted a redundant right-most column, thinking the issues in the previously second most right column would get resolved status automatically. But when I complete the sprint, all issues are still seen as open. I tried the suggestions above, creating a new right-most column, dragging it to the left and deleting it, dragging columns and issues back and forth, but nothing seems to resolve this?

Any suggestions on what I could do?

Thanks in advance.


Dave Menconi June 8, 2020

Hi Jeroen,

According to the experts, those tricks should work. What we're trying to do, apparently, is to force the issues to get reindexed so that system, as part of that reindex, will mark things resolved in the terminal state as resolved. (I say this because Peter Gonçalves mentions the phrase "enforcing a re-index in one of the answers here.)

There is another way to get Jira to reindex something: change the project key. This forces a re-index to get all the issues in the project to have the new index. It's expensive (in terms of time and computing power) and it may not be the same kind of re-index that you want. But it might solve your problem. Go to the project detail page, change the "Key" field and click on save. It might take a while for the reindexing to be complete.

The only other solution I have is to convert your next-gen project to a classic project. I have not tried this (the column-moving trick has worked 3 times now so I've left the Next-gen projects as they are) but here is the documentation.

Once you have a classic project you can fix this problem by manipulating the workflow: add a transition from status done to done (a loop if you will), add a post function that sets the resolution to "done" and then transition all the issue through that transition. 

This is all pretty extreme but it will definitely work.

Good luck!


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Jeroen Koomen
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 8, 2020

Hi Dave,

Yes I was thinking in the 'trigger re-index' interventions, so I understand what you are saying. The key change did the trick! Some issues I still had to drag to a previous column and then back to the last one, but now they got Done flags as well. This saved me manually managing tickets when changing the sprint. Thanks.



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