stories on next-gen projects not crossed out when "done"

D Das
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January 28, 2019


I am using a JIRA next-gen project. I've noticed that some of my stories are crossed out when I mark them done, while others remain uncrossed out.

This causes issues when I close a sprint because when I choose the "move unresolved stories to next sprint" option, a large number of stores that are done, move to the new sprint and mess up my reporting.

I notice that correctly crossed off stories look like this:

Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at 11.21.02 AM.png

While others look like this:

Screen Shot 2019-01-28 at 11.22.14 AM.png

Either way, I cant any way to manually update any fields to fix the resolution to mark them crossed out. The old style projects used to have a way to edit fields to fix this.



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D Das
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 28, 2019

I found the answer.

This happens because we introduced a new status value called "Abandoned" for stories that were abandoned. In our scrum boards. Abandoned was marked as the right most column. By moving "done" to the right most column, this was fixed.


If your project has multiple end points, would suggest that you use classic jira, not next gen projects.

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