Most attachments auto downloading without a preview?

Monica Ross February 7, 2019

One of my jira users is having an issue where anytime she clicks on an attachment within an issue, it auto downloads without previewing, and it's driving her nuts! I am not having the same issue. 

She also mentioned that she's not seeing any difference between if the attachment is a .jpg or a PDF etc  - they almost all automatically download. Some don't but for the life of us we can't figure out the discrepancy. 

I've done a ton of googling but can't seem to find anyone with similar problems...

2 answers

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Pascal March 29, 2019

It could be related to this bug in JIRA:


When you manually upload a PDF to an existing JIRA-issue, most of the time it will render a preview when you click on the PDF (as expected)

When a JIRA issue is created automatically upon receival of an email, and that email contained a PDF-attachement, the PDF will be added to the new JIRA-issue (as expected) but chances are that requesting a preview of the PDF by clicking on the attachment afterwards will not work (unexpected behaviour). Instead the PDF will download to your local disk.

So maybe you can check with your user wether she has problems previewing PDFs that came via email and/or PDFs that were uploaded manually



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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 8, 2019

It tends to be this is a setting in the user's browser.  If the browser has a default way to handle links to certain filetypes, it will automatically handle those files in the same way everytime.

What browser is the user utilizing?

What operating system is this?


Firefox has some steps on how you can change this in browser per

The steps I think are different for different browsers though.

Robin Rodgers
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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June 27, 2019

For me it only does it in the backlog overview screen when opening an attachment in the right hand quick view panel. In an issue detail screen it opens the preview. So it does not seem to be a browser setting. 
[cloud version]

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