Details : I want to upload and download python wheel files to bitbucket's repo download section. I want it should be done either way meaning from bit bucket web interface as well as using the A...
We are using confluence data center and want to use the templates that are available in the cloud version. Unfortunately, I cannot find anywhere to export these templates to use them for our non clou...
In Confluence,attached document not working and not downloading in particular space... It looks like all of the attached documents are still not working. Is there a way for y...
So today I tried making an application where I provide a board and list ID. Then, it will get the first card in that list and then get the first attachment, then download it locally. So anyway, it w...
Hello ! I created a new Power-Up called Attachments Master for Trello which can mass download/copy attachments from different cards even on different boards , download all the a...
I have a pipeline that downloads a JAR file from Bitbucket downloads. And save it in the.m2 directory. After that, I do a mvn clean install. At this moment, the JAR that I have in.m2 will be a d...
How can I download attachments and all instances of their versions from the WIKI? When I am in our WIKI it only downloads the current version and I need all versions of each of our attachments.&n...
Hi, How can I download the content from my trello account? I have multiple boards and 3 workspaces and I want to archive it locally. Is that possible? If yes, what is the format of the data?
I can't understand why I am unable to download the automations that I have created/shared into a simple .csv file (or any format for that matter). Is there a way to suggest to the Trello creators t...
Is there a way to automatically download all attachments received from the request to a local server. For standard plans the attachments disappear for old requests. Manual downloading would take a l...
As part of our CI pipeline, we create shared artifacts and in dependent plan, download those artifacts and we see some failures with the download artifacts tasks due to Transient network / packet l...
...bsp; shared: true Trying to download fails with "Bamboo YAML import failed: Document structure is incorrect: Sandbox / tasks / [0]: Unknown task type artifact-download" version: 2 d...
I uploaded a series of files into the Downloads folder in the repo. When I ask for the list of files it returns a partial list with the 10 newest files.... Do I need to make multiple requests? How t...
hi all, As part of automation testing i need to download a pdf file generated by AUT and read its contents. While executing the testcases in bamboo where will the downloaded pdf file be a...
...ata Center) I downloaded are the correct sources?
Gostaria de configurar na versão desktop, para escolher o local de salvar os arquivos anexados, todas as vezes que fizer um dowload. É possível?
I have created a KB article and attached an Excel file. Is there a way to make attachments download automatically on the local computer? The local computer would belong to a user who is reading my a...
I would like to create button inside the table like this: The Attachments object does not really suit my needs as I would need to distinguish between multiple products and thus insert the attach...
Currently, you must specifically list the version number of the atlassian/bitbucket-upload-file pipe to be used. Last month a new version (0.3.4) was released. This now requires us to update all repo...
I have tried about 20 different combinations of project names, yet Atlassian never accepts my name? Why is this? All I want to do is download a free version to learn how do to do things a...
Can I download the Calendar Power-Up view to an Excel sheet or PDF document?
Hello, I have a filtered list of 150 tickets in a JIRA-Board. On each of the tickets are some files attached. Is / and how is it possible to download all attached files from the filtered t...
Client sends me copy and art on a Trello card. When I preview the attachment, the download link below the image is dead. BTW, Some padding below that block of copy would also be nice.
For the bitbucket-upload-file pipe, it would be nice to upload the file with a different specified name other than the local file:
Once pictures are added to a board, I need to download and forward them on in another file, like a word doc or pdf. Is there a way to download a group of pictures from a board into one file without t...
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