Miscellaneous questions about the cloud

RDaridan September 7, 2023


I would like to know how the following works on Jira Cloud:

  • Update: Are updates notified in advance? Is it possible to test them before setting them up?
  • Is it possible to refuse certain new products? Or simply deactivate them systematically?
  • Currently, we have a test environment and a production environment. How does the transition from sandbox to cloud production work?

Thank you for your answers.

2 answers

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Lior Neudorfer September 10, 2023

Hey @RDaridan @Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket] ,


You can also use the Salto app to automatically copy changes back from your Sandbox to Production. It's faster and less error-prone than doing it manually.


Check it out: https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1225356/salto-configuration-manager-for-jira


Lior from Salto

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Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket]
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September 7, 2023


  • Update: Are updates notified in advance? Is it possible to test them before setting them up?
    • Please have a look at Manage product release tracks. Ideally, you may want to set up the releases on Bundled so you have plenty of time to test new features
  • Is it possible to refuse certain new products? Or simply deactivate them systematically?
    • Subscribing to a product is up to you,  so you have full control over which products you want to use by subscribing to them. If you already have a cloud product and you are no longer interested in using them you will just need to cancel your subscription.
  • Currently, we have a test environment and a production environment. How does the transition from sandbox to cloud production work?
    • Yes if you subscribe to a premium version of a product. You can Copy production data to sandbox and after making your changes in the sandbox and confirming that your changes works as expected then you'd need to do those changes on Production.
RDaridan September 8, 2023

Hello @Sayed Bares [ServiceRocket] 

Thank you for your very complete answers.

Have a nice day.

Best regards,

Renaud Daridan

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