Migration to Jira cloud

rommeltinoco December 20, 2016

I took the steps from:


The third step is rather vague:


Create an XML backup of the issue data and compress the attachments. 

Since the zip does contain the XML files. 


And then I get this error:

Import error

There was an error importing file 2016-Dec-20--1245.zip: "There was an error parsing the entities.xml file: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0xb) was found in the CDATA section.". Please try again or choose a different file.


How can I correct this? I want to migrate from JIRA Server to JIRA cloud. 

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 20, 2016

The zip of the attachments is used in the next step, in the Import to JIRA Cloud section.

The error you are seeing is not uncommon, it's because databases aren't all quite equal.  You can fix it and retry the upload with https://confluence.atlassian.com/jira/removing-invalid-characters-from-xml-backups-12079.html

rommeltinoco December 20, 2016

OK I followed the instructions and now I am getting this error?


There was an error importing file import.zip: "The file import.zip doesn't contain any valid import data.". Please try again or choose a different file.
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 20, 2016

Did you repack the corrected files into the import.zip with the right name?  (I ask because that's the step I always forget)   Can you also check that your data in the entities.xml looks ok?

rommeltinoco December 21, 2016

I did. See the attached picture. import to jira cloud.PNG

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 21, 2016

I'd take a look at the entities.xml again - it's nearly doubled in size, which suggests something is very wrong.

rommeltinoco December 21, 2016

This is the output of running that command.


java -jar atlassian-xml-cleaner-0.1.jar entities.xml > entities-clean.xml


How else can I validate what this does? 

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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December 21, 2016

I'd take a look at the input and output - what has the cleaner done?  Is the input even valid?

Sky Frostenson January 24, 2017

Also experiencing this, and the workaround fails. After running the .jar cleaner I get:

There was an error importing file import-20170124.zip: "The file import-20170124.zip doesn't contain any valid import data.". Please try again or choose a different file.

A diff of the entities.xml file indicates all special characters (like emoji) have been replaced with ��, and file sizes are basically the same (old=259553002 bytes, new=259553202).

I'm looking for the replacement point which may have invalidated all data... but this is getting pretty involved for a simple server (7.2.6) => cloud migration. Curious to hear if @Rommel Tinoco has any update for his situation.

Gianluca Cinellu
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January 25, 2017

Also experiencing the same issue, please provide support! smile

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 25, 2017

Hmm, my guess is that your Java locale is set to something unusual - the ? are indicating "I can't read this character", which is not something the cleaner should have output.

Sky Frostenson January 25, 2017

Thanks Nic! System locale is en_US.UTF-8 and seems to be the same for JIRA as I scan all settings... still stumped here. Filed an Atlassian support request so we'll see where that leads and I'll post back with any results.

James Bennett
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March 16, 2017

Did anyone ever find a resolution for this issue? I am experiencing the exact same thing.

Sky Frostenson March 16, 2017

I had a ticket open with Atlassian support for about a month. Apparently they were seeing errors related to non-unique email addresses for different users, so that might be something to check, although it still didn't work for me after I fixed those in the server export.

After a few more back-and-forth cycles with support I gave up trying. We ran out of time to spend on migration (higher business priorities) so we decided to just let our server license lapse for a while.

The support ticket never mentioned any other obvious cause. They seemed to think the XML cleaner was working correctly, and at one point they claimed the import worked on their end. I also saw lots of updates to https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRA-62240 over that period so hopefully it'll be addressed soon. I'd recommend opening a support ticket to make sure it's logged in their reference count.

James Bennett
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March 16, 2017

Thanks Sky. We opened a ticket with support this AM. We will see how it goes.

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