Map fields using Scriptrunner for Jira Cloud

Destri Weir October 27, 2023

I am trying to populate values in a custom numeric field Contract Terms (field ID 10262) based on a selection in a custom single-select drop-down list field Supplier (field ID 10132) on and issue create event. These fields are on a Jira Service Manager screen. I'm using the following script that runs without error, but it does not populate the Contract Terms field. 

I need help troubleshooting why the script isn't populating the Contract Terms field. 

import groovy.json.JsonOutput

def issue = event.issue // Get the issue object from the event
def issueKey = issue.key // Get the issue key from the issue object

def supplierFieldId = "customfield_10132" // Replace with the correct custom field ID
def contractTermsFieldId = "customfield_10262" // Replace with the correct custom field ID

def supplierFieldValue = event.issue.fields[supplierFieldId]

def contractMap = [
"British Gas (BG)": -35,
"E-ON Next": -20,
"Scottish Power": -30,


def newValue = contractMap[supplierFieldValue]
def updateData = [
fields: [(contractTermsFieldId): newValue]

def updateJson = JsonOutput.toJson(updateData)

def response = put("/rest/api/3/issue/${issueKey}")
.header('Content-Type', 'application/json')


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Bobby Bailey
Rising Star
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October 27, 2023

Hi @Destri Weir , 


The issue you have is with this line: 

def supplierFieldValue = event.issue.fields[supplierFieldId]

You are getting all the custom field information, not just the value. If you change this to:

def supplierFieldValue = event.issue.fields[supplierFieldId].value.toString()

Your listener should work. Let me know if this works for you!

Kind regards, 


Destri Weir October 30, 2023



It worked like a charm! Thank you so much for your help, and for explaining why it wasn't working before. I appreciate your response so much. 


Thanks again, 



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