Jira Language was changed without notice

Martin Schimmel
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January 14, 2020

Since a few weeks Jira is now displayed in Dutch. I never changed my language, i want everything in English. The extra weird part? If i go to settings, my language is still set to English (United States). It is not listening to my browser or other local computer settings either, everything i have is set to English. It must get the language based on my ip address.

How can I change it back? This feels like a bug to me.

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Rising Star
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January 14, 2020

@Martin Schimmel , did you check this [Change your service desk project's default language | Jira Service Desk Cloud | Atlassian Support, https://support.atlassian.com/jira-service-desk-cloud/docs/change-your-projects-default-language/

[Solved: How to change default language back to English?
https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/How-to-change-default-language-back-to-English/qaq-p/741816; ]



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