Jira Integration with Sentinel via HTTP Connector

David Oneill
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October 25, 2024

Hello Community, 

I am trying to connect Sentinel incidents with Jira to post the incidents in our team's queue. Logic App API was successfully connected with Jira API Token, but I am not able to use the Jira V3 connector due to an error with the field reporter within Jira; given I do not want to change all the project teams' fields while troubleshooting this, I decided to move forward with the Logic App HTTP Connector. 

jira v3.png

Now I am trying to get the HTTP Connector to work within the Logic App. 

I used this documentation to try to connect to the Jira endpoint to post the Sentinel incidents, but received a 404 error. 


The endpoint used - https://api.atlassian.com/ex/jira/incidents/<cloudId>/v1/incidents


for authentication, I am using the managed identity within Azure. 

The second endpoint I tried posting to is https://your-domain.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue/. I received a 401 error due to not being a Jira admin. I am not sure which path to pursue now in troubleshooting. 

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