Jira Burnup or Burndown

Kelly Burns February 14, 2024

Hi All, this is my first post and I'm a brand new Jira user so apologies if a "dumb" question. We're on Jira Server v8.22.4 (not Cloud).

Most of our current projects have just ONE user story w/many tasks / subtasks under that.  We don't use Story Points - we focus on Estimated Working Days and Days Remaining. I need Burndown or Burnup to look like the attached image but can't find a way to do that - all seem to be based on Story Points and sorted by User Story. Also including pic of our current Sprint Timeline (more of a GAANT chart currently) so you can see how we estimate a task by days (not Story Points). 

This is the closest chart I've seen in Jira for what we need but it's an add-on App and my company won't let me buy anything: Team Burndown chart for Sprints - Agile Reports and Gadgets - Broken Build Documentation (atlassian.net)  Please help if possible!Custom-Burndown.pngSprint-Timeline.png

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Kelly Burns February 23, 2024

My Jira guru said it's "not possible" given the current set up.  We'll have to change something in order for this to work. We'll know more next week and I'll try to update here.

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Danut M _StonikByte_
Atlassian Partner
February 14, 2024

Hi @Kelly Burns,

Apparently your estimation method is not a "standard" one because those fields Estimated Working Days and Days Remaining are not the standard time fields of Jira. They look like two different custom fields (please correct me if I'm wrong) and I'm afraid that no Jira gadget/report or even a 3rd party add-on can use two different custom fields simultaneously.

Fortunately, all you have now in Excel can be easily automated, so no more manual work, by using Jira time estimates fields and eventually a 3rd party add-on like our Great Gadgets. Perhaps you can convince your management that automating this reporting job, by using a payed add-on, will save you, and the others from your company, a lot of time and energy, and you will have good charts and reports in real-time.

See this article on how to resolve this problem:  https://community.atlassian.com/t5/App-Central/Tracking-an-agile-project-that-uses-time-estimates-with-Great/ba-p/1699994 

If you consider our app as an option, feel free to contact support@stonikbyte.com for assistance in setting this up. 


Kelly Burns February 15, 2024

Thanks but there's huge restrictions around what apps we can have due to this being a hospital/medical provider and handles healthcare information.  It's a loooong approval process (months to years) before we get any app approved. :(  But yours does appear to do what we need - wish I could find a way to do this in Jira itself.

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Dexter de Vera
Community Leader
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February 14, 2024

Make sure the Scrum board estimated method is set to Original time estimate, so the report will be base on Original time instead of Story points.

Go to Board - Configure board - Estimation - set to Original time estimate
Kelly Burns February 15, 2024

Thanks and yes we did that but still can't it to show the days like we need.  It might be ok to show "Hours Worked/Hours Remaining" instead of "Days Worked/Days Remaining".  Would that be easier to implement?

Dexter de Vera
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 15, 2024

You only have 3 option in Jira (without plugin) : Issue count, Story points and Original time estimate. So if your referring for time better to use the Original Time Estimate. Sorry you need to adjust what only Jira have if your not willing to avail any plugin/add-on.

All reports available in Jira Server/Data Center 


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Kelly Burns February 16, 2024

Thanks so much.  I'm working with someone who said he may be able to create something customized like this with JQL query.  If that works, I'll post my solution here.  Thanks all!

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