Issue Type Hierarchy- Very Confused

Jeff Lapsley
July 20, 2022

My PMs are up in arms about not being able to use the Epic Link field as they have been, and I do not understand what is happening or how to fix it. I have read a few documents, but they are not helpful in figuring out the problem.

Below is a screenshot of the issue type hierarchy page. My PMs are not able to create a STORY that links to an EPIC using the epic link. I did see the page on the changes with this field, but understanding it is another matter.

I was hoping for a reasonable explanation of what should be doable without having to upgrade to Premium (which we are looking at). and if perhaps the hierarchy we have (whcih I assume is stock since nobody around recalls changing anything), what SHOULD be able to use the epic link?


Any help is appreciated!

Screenshot 2022-07-20 131728.jpg

2 answers

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Jeff Lapsley
October 21, 2022

FYI everyone,

We removed the entries that did not belong without issue, and linking has been working as expected.

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Jack Brickey
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July 20, 2022

Hi @Jeff Lapsley ,

I don't see an image attached. However I wonder if what you are dealing with is associated with the project type. That is are you by chance using a team managed project, which will be evident by looking in the lower left corner, versus a company manage project? With a team manager project the term epic link has been replaced by parent. In either case, TMP or CMP the hierarchy can be the same: Epic > Story/Task > sub-task.

Jeff Lapsley
July 20, 2022

I added the image after the fact, sorry about that.

These should all be CMP and the hierarchy you mention is what I think we want, but it is not working that way. They are unable to add a story to an epic.

Jira issue (1).png

Robert Wen_Cprime_
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July 20, 2022

I suspect that you may need to remove everything above Epic in your hierarchy even though it should be ignored.  It's probably allowing all the standard issue types except Story on the Epic Link.

Jeff Lapsley
July 20, 2022

I am not sure who configured that for us initially, but it is not the same as our DEV instance. Our DEV instance was what it would look like if I removed those lines, and sure enough in DEV, I can epic link a story to an epic just fine.

Do you think there would be any effect were I to remove those lines that say "Only available in premium"? I dont see a good way to test it beforehand, and can just imagine the world imploding unexpectedly...

Thanks for your response as I think it is putting us on the right track!

Jack Brickey
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July 20, 2022

Yes I agree @Robert Wen_Cprime_ . TBH, not sure why it is there unless maybe there was a trial of premium? I certainly do not see on my free instance.

@Jeff Lapsley , is that second screenshot from when you attempt to add a Story to your epic from the detailed issue view, as in below?


Jack Brickey
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July 20, 2022

Also, if you look at a existing story is the epic link field available? And if not can you go to the screen config and add?

Jack Brickey
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July 20, 2022

Removing should have no effect. By chance do you see Initiative or Feature under the Issue types screen? I'm pretty sure the issue is that you have story above epic in the hierarchy view. However that is just an educated guess as I do not have that in my config.

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