Is it possible to create subtask with confi forms

Sean_Dowdall June 29, 2020

I am trying to add the ability to generate subtasks under a main task depending on options selected using confi forms.


The subtasks would basically be for the different teams working on different aspects of a ticket which will change depending on the team selected in a confi form field.


Is it possible to create a ticket and subtasks for other teams using the single submission?

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
Rising Star
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June 30, 2020

Yes, you can do that. You need to save back the key to the parent issue (to some field in ConfiForms) and then use the value from that field in the mapping you have for subtasks.

I remember seeing some question on community on that, teams creating 60+ subtasks in one submission. However, I am not a fan of such designs, but it is possible.

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