How to set permissions to access Jira from Confluence

Matt Mace March 16, 2016

I have 2 scenarios:

We have built a confluence page with JIRA gadgets to show various charts and filters.

1) We want employees that have a Confluence license but not a JIRA license to be able to view the results of the JIRA queries on a non-public page.

2) We want non-employees (ANONYMOUS) to see a public wiki page with the results of JIRA queries.

For scenario 1) I have created a Group named 'confluence-users' that has all of our Confluence licensees in it and granted them the "Browse Project" permission in the Default Security Scheme in JIRA that all our projects use. A confluence user that is logged in however gets errors from the JIRA gadgets saying they don't have permissions.

For scenario 2) I have enabled ANONYMOUS View permissions in the Confluence global permissions and likewise in the specific space we want them to access. When they view that page the JIRA gadgets do work. However, the issue here are the active links that are accessible from the query results that allow them to view specific issues or projects in JIRA that we don't want them seeing. Is there a way to disable the links on the confluence page so they can't route to them?

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Matt Mace March 25, 2016

The solution was to add the group I wanted to have access to the JIRA Application Access permission.

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September 15, 2020

@Matt Mace I know that this is a longshot considering you posted this 4 years ago... however, I'm trying to do something similar to your scenario 2.  Did your solution work to only allow the users to see the issues in the query and disable the links? 

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