How to get the unreleased version that is next after the next unreleased version?

chrisyeem January 16, 2025

Basically would like to get nextUnreleasedVersion() + 1. Is there such a thing?

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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January 16, 2025

Hi @chrisyeem 

What do you mean by "next" regarding the versions?  Where do you want to "get" that version: in the UX, with a query, etc.?

By default on the Releases page, the "next" version is the one at the bottom of the list, regardless of the release date, name, etc.  And so the "one after next" would be the one immediately above that.

When you want to better control getting the versions in a specific order, please use the REST API endpoint and the orderBy parameter:

Kind regards,

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