How to delete a customer from service desk project

Sachin Deodhar May 31, 2020

I have taken over this project template created from someone who has now left the organization. I see customer menu in my project settings and bunch of e-mails registered as customers. I want to delete all these customers and make a fresh start. Can i do so ? 


I tried to search for customer delete option, however same is not available and need help. 

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Monika Rani
Rising Star
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May 31, 2020

Hi, @Sachin Deodhar  Welcome to the community!

do you use a cloud or server platform?

In the cloud you can go to project > project settings > People > and click Remove on the customer.


if you want to deactivate the customer altogether your System Admin can do so as follows: jira settings > User management > Jira Service Desk > locate the user and deactivate.

I hope it will help.

Monika Rani
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 2, 2020

@Sachin Deodhar did you try this solution?

Sachin Deodhar June 2, 2020

I checked above however it doesns allow me to delete customer accounts. from above. 

Instead I could find my way to delete same from admin console

So in admin, i checked for jira service desk and it showed 'Portal Customer' screen, where i can delete customers. Only pain is i need to do it one by one. 

Rohith Basavarajappa June 30, 2020

Ofcourse, one by one delete is 'by design'. Dont think, there should be a check-box to delete bulk users unless you are terminating the entire team. One should be careful when deleting a user, because on an accidental delete, you might have to restore all his 'roles' as well. This becomes cumbersome when u do bulk delete!!

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