How to create a dynamic dashboard displaying jiras of the whole group rather than currentuser()?

lcourouble January 8, 2021

Hi everyone ! 

I'm trying to create a dashboard that displays all the jira from a group, but where the group displayed changes depending on the assignee connected. 

For example :

In user management i added a user A to a group called "Code team", and a user B to a group called "Data team".

What I want is that :

  • When user A connects to the dashboard he sees all the jira from all the people in group "Code team",
  • But when the user B connects to the same dashboard, he sees all the jira from his own group aka "Data team". 


If you need the reason behind it's simply that I have a lot of sub-teams that are managed by different lead, up until now I've been creating manually a dashboard for each team lead but it is a true pain to keep all those dashboard up to date. With this type of dynamic dashboard I could simplify all this management by having just one dashboard & one set of filters to update.


Do you have any idea of how I could do that ? (and if it is doable at all...) 

Thanks !




3 answers

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Answer accepted
Nico Frossard - codefortynine January 11, 2021

Hi @lcourouble,

Our Jira Cloud App Quick Filter for Jira could solve your problem of sharing a single dashboard across multiple teams.

To do so, you would define a filter for every team in our "Quick Controller" gadget, which filters the data shown in all other gadgets of the dashboard. Any user can then click on the team he or she belongs to and the whole dashboard will be updated accordingly.

Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 16.39.49.pngDon't hesitate to contact our support team if you want to know more!

lcourouble January 12, 2021

Thank you for your reply Nico, We just bought your plugin in my company (for other needs originally) so I'm gonna go for that solution. 

thank you for your help ! 

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Thomas Siron January 12, 2023

Hi @Nico Frossard - codefortynine ,

Can this be used to filter different organisations also?

Idea is to create a dashboard with all open tickets for an org, but want to share this with other colleagues that will need to update the org - but don't want them to have to update every widget's JQL.


Nico Frossard - codefortynine January 19, 2023

Hi @Thomas Siron

This sounds like a typical use case for our app Quick Filters for Jira.

The field "Organizations" is supported and can be used to filter the whole dashboard by specific organization(s).

Don't hesitate to contact our support team if you want to know more, we are always happy to help.

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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January 8, 2021

this cannot be done OOTB. You can either consider different dashboards per team or look to the Marketplace for options.

lcourouble January 11, 2021

you're breaking my heart Jack ! :(

but thanks for the feedback ! 

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Gorka Puente _Appfire_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
January 11, 2021


I think you should either create a dashboard per group, or per project lead, in JQL


 Otherwise, as @Jack Brickey indicates, you have to look for third party apps. We are vendors of an app to create dashboards, Ronin Dashboards for Jira, but you'll have the very same problem with our app, there's no way to dynamically get the group of the user and perform a query based on that.

Using the JQL gadget with a query similar to this for each team

project = "TIS" and Team = "Koala" ORDER BY created DESC

 Screenshot 2020-12-26 at 18.17.49.png

You can have a look to this dashboard (these gadgets in the second slide) using this public link.

Hope this helps.

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