How to create a comment with only the first 10 issues in it

Mark Taranenko
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December 13, 2024

Hi everybody!
I am trying to create a table using JIRA Automation in the comments to an issue. Basically when an issue is created it should add to the comments a table with related issue using a JIRA query (Lookup Issues).

When I pass this as a comment:
The host "{{issue.customfield_xxxxx}}" was seen in these tickets in the past 30 days: | Key | Field_1 | Field_2 | Field_3 | Field_4 | {{#lookupIssues}} | {{key}} | {{fields.customfield_xxxx}} | {{fields.customfield_xxxx}} | {{fields.customfield_xxxxx}} | {{fields.customfield_xxx}} | {{/lookupIssues}}

It tries to display all issues (using the default limit of up to 100) and the maximum characters limit is exceeded, so the comment can't be added.

How can I limit the table only to the first 10 issues?

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Dave Liao
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December 13, 2024

Instead of limiting the results to an arbitrary value - 10 - consider refining your Lookup Issues action to search for a tighter query? For example, issues created within the last 3 days. (Yes, that’s arbitrary too 😂 )

Can you share how your Lookup Issues action is configured?

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