How to create JIRA tickets dynamically from outlook emails?

charitha_r July 5, 2024

Hi Team,

Please help me on creating the JIRA tickets as and when I get outlook email. 
Is it through connectors or we need admin access in JIRA to do that? Please advise.

Thank you!

1 answer

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Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 5, 2024

Hello @charitha_r 

Have you reviewed this information?

Create issues and comments from email 

charitha_r July 5, 2024

Hello Trudy, Thank you for replying.

I do not have admin access to JIRA . I dont think I can add incoming mail server. However I will try to get admin access. 

But is there a way I can create tickets from outlook emails as we do in Microsoft outlook for JIRA connector by creating a workflow?

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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July 5, 2024

I have never used the Microsoft Outlook for Jira Connector. I'm not very familiar with its functionality.

Are you trying to automatically create issues when emails are received by a generic email address, or are you wanting to create Jira issues from emails that you are receiving personally?

Setting up a mail server and mail handler would be the solution if you want to create issues from emails received by a generic email address.

If you are looking for the latter, creating a Jira issue from an email you receive, and you require a free solution (as you mentioned in your other post), then take a look at this:


charitha_r July 5, 2024

This helped to create JIRA issues manually, Thank you so much!

However, is there a way to do this dynamically? Every time I receive email on outlook (any user sends) that should be logged as an issue on JIRA.

Please advise.

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 5, 2024

Hello @charitha_r 

What is the root problem you are trying to solve?

Are you trying to enable any user to create issues in a specific project?

Or should the issues be created only if the email comes directly to you?

Should every email that comes to you create a Jira Issue?

Do you want the issue created in a Jira Software project, a Jira Work Management project (aka Business project), or a Jira Service Management project?

Are the senders of these emails licensed users of Jira?

What types of emails are they sending you? Is this a situation where you are performing a help desk type of service? Are the senders reporting bugs in your product?


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