How to correct wrong fields, in Email issue (JMWE app) Function for my transition?

Miguel Bravo March 19, 2020

I am attempting to display the correct date/time when the issue was created. 
Currently using this

"Created: {{ now | date('dddd, MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a') }}"

Works with current date, but it displays our time 4 hours ahead.Incorrect time and url display in post function email.pngWe would also like to get rid of the URL field at the bottom if possible. Or at least be able to edit those fields.

Thank you

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John Funk
Community Leader
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March 19, 2020

Hi Jeff,

We do something similar, but send an email using Automation For Jira (which is now free to use). For the date and time in our example, we use: 


But you could use the Now() function in Automation For Jira to capture the exact time of execution instead of the custom field. 

Miguel Bravo March 19, 2020

Thank you John.
I think we will change over to Automation for Jira!

John Funk
Community Leader
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March 19, 2020


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