How to clone an Epic in cloud?

Mauricio Dixon October 5, 2017

I need to clone an Epic with all the task included in thisJira 3.PNG

4 answers

1 vote
Jack Hunter [HeroCoders]
Atlassian Partner
March 4, 2019

Epics Map also allows cloning an epic with all its children tasks in Jira Cloud. 

It is a free app that we have released recently. 

UPDATE: We have extracted Clone Epic functionality to Clone Epic plugin.

Epics Map becomes now more for a high level overview of the project and epics. 

Vincent February 4, 2020

Wanted to try it, but it only says: "An error occurred and we could not fetch the data." on my jira-cloud installation.

Jack Hunter [HeroCoders]
Atlassian Partner
February 7, 2020
0 votes
Marlene Kegel - codefortynine
Atlassian Partner
January 4, 2019

For Jira cloud we released a Marketplace app called Deep Clone for Jira that enables you to clone Epics and all included tasks and subtasks in one action.

If you have any questions, feedback or feature requests don't hesitate to contact us at

0 votes
Greivin Britton October 6, 2017

You can create a basic app that reads the Epic and tasks using the API and then create a copy for each one.

Contact me if you need help :)

Thuy-Van Watts May 31, 2019

I would like to learn to create this basic app.  Please advise.



0 votes
Mikael Sandberg
Community Leader
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October 5, 2017

There is no such function that allows you to clone the epic and linked issues. I found this feature request, JSWSERVER-7721, and one of the comments mention a workaround were they use the export/import functionality. The app mentioned only works on Server and I could not find one that works in Cloud.

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