How to clone all issues from a project to a new project

Ori Katz
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January 3, 2019



1. I've opened a new project and I'd like to import all the tasks from another project (which shares the same configuration).

2. I would also like to have cloned/imported items opened as new in their status.

Is there a way to do it for all tasks/issues together? It's ~200 tasks. I can do without requirement #2 but #1 is a must.




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Tarun Sapra
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January 3, 2019

Hello @Ori Katz

Regarding your requirement 

import all the tasks from another project

You can just use Bulk move operation to move issues from one project into another project.

Ori Katz
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 3, 2019

Thanks. That did the job.


Problem is I thought moving the issues will keep them in the old project as well but it didn't.


Is there a way to clone them and have them in both project?



Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
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January 3, 2019

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