How to automatically add component and add epic link according to certain text in description

Kasper Post February 4, 2021

Hi All,

I'm fairly new the to automation within Jira. I have two questions.

  1. If a bug is created in a Jira project and in the description field there is, for example, the text {KIM1} Since KIM1 is already created as a component in the project is it then possible to automatic add KIM1 as a component to the bug and if yes. How is this done most correctly?
  2. The second question is in a similar line of the first question if a Bug has {Area10} in the description text is possible to automatically add an epic link if it matches an epic link there has the name Area10

Appreciate your help. 

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Ste Wright
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February 4, 2021

Hi @Kasper Post 

The first rule might look something like this:

  • Trigger: Issue Created
  • Condition: Issue Fields Condition - Issue Type (field) equals (condition) Bug (value)
  • Condition: Issue Fields Condition - Description (field) contains (condition) {KIM1} (value)
  • Action: Edit Issue - choose to set Components to {KIM1}


For the second rule, can I clarify the logic is:

  • If an issue is created/updated with {Area10} in the description then...
  • Locate an Epic with {Area10} in the Epic Name and...
  • Link the issue as a child under this Epic

Can I confirm if this logic is correct? If yes, this would be difficult due to the dynamic nature of the second bullet point (eg. what if two Epics had that name).

A simpler alternative would be to create multiple rules, one per Epic. So similar to the above, the Condition would look for a specific phrase in the Description, then the Action  would set the Epic Link based on a single issue key per rule, rather than trying to dynamically locate text in the "Epic Name".

If you can confirm the logic, I'd be happy to look into what is possible :)


Kasper Post February 4, 2021

Hi @Ste Wright 

Thanks for the prompt response.

Your logic is correct. There would only be a very small chance that there will be made identical EPIC since these are predefined and created before the project starts.

Kind Regards

Kasper Post

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