How to allow Service Desk users to see each others tasks.

DimaV March 21, 2023

Hi there, 


Have one project in Service Desk and multiple users as a customers creating tasks there. 

Currently, task is visible for user if only he/she created it. 

I would like to allow them to see each other's tasks, reply to them when needed and etc. Where I can set it up?



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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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March 21, 2023

Hi @DimaV ,

please check customer permissions within your project. Each customer could share tickets with other customer within his organization.

For more information please take a look to the following article

Customer sharing

Control how existing customers find other customers and share requests with them in the portal via the Share with feature:

Customers can search for other customers within their organizations:

  • Customers can use search to find other customers in their organizations, and share requests with them.

  • If a customer isn’t in an organization, they won’t be able to share requests.

Customers can search for other customers within their organizations, or manually enter the email address of other customers within their project:

  • Customers can use search to find other customers in their organizations, and share requests with them.

  • Customers can share requests with other customers in the project by typing their email address.

  • If Anyone on the customer access settings (with Allow customers to create accounts in customer access settings) has been selected above, customers can also share requests with any email address. Sharing with an email address that doesn’t match an existing customer will invite them as a new customer.

Customers can search for other customers within their project or organizations:

  • Customers can use search to find other customers in their project or organizations, and share requests with those customers.

  • Choose this setting if you’d like to allow customers to choose approvers.

Hope this helps,


DimaV March 21, 2023

Thanks, seemingly these useless settings does not do the trick. 

I have this necessary setting enabled by default but tasks are still not shared among users of the project. And yes, all of their accounts are added to people within the project, they can create tasks with no issues, however all of them visible only for  themselves. 


Im a bit lost with this not straight forward, frustrating and completely not user friendly jira set up :(

Screenshot 2023-03-21 at 15.04.10.png 

Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
March 21, 2023

Please could you verify if, at project level, you are correctly managing organizations and customers in a correct way.

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