How to add "Story Points" to item creation screen?

Christopher Carvalho
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June 26, 2024

Hello team,

We integrate Jira with other software, such as Azure, Asana, Monday, etc...

We are experiencing an issue where we are unable to properly synchronize Jira's Story Points field as it isn't being brought up in the creation screen.

Even though I move it around the fields configuration, it simply won't be displayed on creation screen.

Sending Jira's Story Points to Context fields makes it disappear from the ticket/task/epic.
Adding it to Description fields only brings it up after the item creation, but not on the creation screen.

How can this be achieved?


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Bryce Lord
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June 26, 2024

Hi @Christopher Carvalho

I found a similar question to yours that had a great response on how to add fields or reorganize the create screen.

It can be found here: How to design the create new issue screen 

Hope this helps!

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