How to design the the "create new issue" screen?

Tal.Elbaz April 6, 2022

Is there a way to orgenaize the create-new-issue screen? for example setting the field "assignee" to appear on the top of the issue so it will be the first the users fill. 

I know how to do that to already-created issues, but what about the window opens-up when creating new issue?... 


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Ste Wright
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April 6, 2022

Hi @Tal.Elbaz 

This depends if you're on Server/DC, or Cloud!


Server/DC, and Company-managed Cloud Projects

In these instances, you can manage the setup of the Create Screen, separate to the View/Edit Screen.

You'll need to be a Jira Admin, and then...

  • Go to Jira Settings > Issues
  • On the left-hand menu, select Screens
  • Locate the relevant Screen
    • You need the Screen related to your Create Issue operation. This is identified from your Screen Scheme.
  • Move the fields into your desired order
  • Repeat for any other Create Screens related to different Issue Types in the Issue Type Screen Scheme


  • If you only have one Screen for all operations in Cloud, it's not an issue to change the order of fields, as the View/Edit operations' screens are governed through the Issue Layout.
  • But, if you require your Edit and Create Screens to be different in Server/DC, you might need to copy the Screen, and associate screens to the right operators in the Screen Scheme. 
  • How Screens, Screen Schemes, and Issue Type Screen Schemes work can be quite confusing - check out this help page for a good diagram to explain this!


Team-managed Projects (Cloud)

In Team-managed, you can reorder the fields but there are limits - mainly that field types remain in order - so Description Fields are top, then Context Fields below them.

This is because the Issue Layout governs all the operators - Create, Edit, and View - all using one Screen design.

But, to change the order to an extent, you'll need to be a Project Admin and then...

  • Go to Project Settings > Issue Types
  • Select an Issue Type
  • Modify the field order using drag/drop
  • Press Save Changes
  • Repeat for other Issue Types where necessary


See some additional information on these help pages:

Let us know if this helps, or if you need any more detailed instructions!


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Fabio Racobaldo _Herzum_
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
April 6, 2022

Hi @Tal.Elbaz ,

welcome to the Atlassian community!

First of all you can organize your fields just changing their position within your create screen. Moreover you can define tabs in your screen

Server/Data Center :

Cloud :

Hope this helps,


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