How to Generate and Email Dashboard Reports (PDF) on a Fixed Interval

Nathan Bartlett
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March 22, 2022

I am currently in the midst of building a Kanban board for my company's client-facing team and am looking into ways that we could generate a PDF report of the project's primary dashboard.

In a nutshell, what we are hoping to achieve is as follows:

  1. The dashboard widgets shall update every two weeks on Friday at 5:00pm. (These are currently set to update every 15 minutes, so this might already be solved by that setting.)
  2. The dashboard widget data shall be generated into a PDF report. (If possible, we would also like to be able to view/download this report on Jira but not a priority.)
  3. The PDF report shall be sent to a set list of email addresses. (We are not worried about customizing the email contents but would not be against it.)

I appreciate any insight that you may bring. As an additional piece of context, I have only been working with Jira for around a month and am fairly confident of my understanding of the terms, but my apologies if I am slow to understand a new concept.

Thank you in advance.

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Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_
Rising Star
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March 22, 2022

Hi @Nathan Bartlett 

Using eazyBI you can create a dashboard and subscribe to it. It will then send you an email with PDF of the reports. It works really well. eazyBI is a paid app but you can try that.

Natively in Jira you can create filters and subscribe to it, but it won't send you a PDF, just a list of issues.

I hope it helps.


Roberts Čāčus
Rising Star
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March 25, 2022

Hi @Nathan Bartlett

First, thank you @Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_ for suggesting eazyBI.

eazyBI account users can subscribe to eazyBI dashboards they have access to and receive it as a PDF in their email. Our documentation page has more details regarding that -

There are some limitations, though. Currently, users have to subscribe to the dashboard themselves. And only eazyBI (thus Jira users) can subscribe to the dashboards. Meaning, the automatic email can't be sent to just any email.


Let me know if you have any questions.


Roberts //

Nathan Bartlett
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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March 25, 2022

Hi @Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_ and @Roberts Čāčus

Thank you both for passing along your suggestions to use easyBI. I will definitely take a look and see if this would be the right fit for what we are needing.



a_l_khan July 26, 2022

@Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_  How to send pdf files of dashboard to number of users as email?

Lets say we to want to send report to managers then how to do that in eazy BI

Jeffrey Bauer September 2, 2022

I got all excited to automate sending emails from a JSD dashboard using Better PDF but the "Send PDF" automation rule isn't in the cloud-based JSD we have. I *think* this is because another Midori product, "Better PDF Automation for Jira (free!)" has to also be installed. Alas, there's no cloud version of this yet. I looked in the marketplace and didn't see any other PDF exporters that purported to generate dashboard PDFs, much less offer an automation rule to deliver it via email.

Any cloud-based JSD customers have luck finding the right combo of apps?

- Jeff

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Levente Szabo _Midori_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
September 6, 2022

@Jeffrey Bauerand everyone interested in Automation for Jira Cloud integrations

UPDATE 7/30/2024 

Better PDF Automation for Jira Cloud is now available as a free companion app to Better PDF Exporter!

UPDATE 2/28/2024

The cloud version of Better PDF Automation is in the works and will be released soon! If you want to be among the first to get notified and try, reach out to me at!

As we discussed separately, Better PDF Automation is not currently available for Jira Cloud. That's because Atlassian currently doesn't allow integrations for Automation for Jira Cloud.
So it's not only up to us app developers when we can deliver a cloud version of an automation app.
Please vote for the feature request in Atlassian's system to tell them to stop postponing this important feature: 

And please vote in our system as well:


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Vlad - RaleyApps February 27, 2024


You can set up a scheduled export (CRON-based) of Jira issues PDF snapshots and send them to any email using our app Raley Emails Notifications.

The list of Jira issues to be exported is defined by a JQL criteria.

Please check out this article on how to get this done. As we're behind this app, we can help you with the configuration if needed.


Vladimir | RaleyApps

Levente Szabo _Midori_
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
July 30, 2024

@Nathan Bartlett @Jeffrey Bauer 

Better PDF Automation for Jira Cloud is now available as a free accompanion app to Better PDF Exporter!

Learn more in this video and reach out to us if you need any help!

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