How the % done ( issues) inside an epic is calculated ?

Raquel Ruiz January 16, 2024

We are using jira cloud 

We need to know how the % done is calculated FOR EPICS  

If we do the math the correct % should be 56%  as work done /resolved

Total 18 points ,  Done 10 points   = 56% 

But our epic shows 66%  Done 

Does anyone know how this % of done showed in epics is calculated? 


Really appreciated any help


jira epic.jpg

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Mikael Sandberg
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January 16, 2024

It is not based on the number of story points, the % Done is based on the status category. In your case you have three issues, two are done and in the status category Done, and the one in Testing is in status category In Progress. Jira has three status categories, To Do (gray), In progress (blue) and Done (green).

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