How does Jira calulate Epic %Complete?

Devin Griffin August 26, 2021

Does Jira calculate Epics % complete by stories completed and/or story points complete?

Is there a story %complete? Task done or hours spent?

Use: I want to show Epic completion on a Roadmap where completion is based upon number of stories complete and at the story level have story %complete be based on tasks done.

In short Task Done rolls up to Epic %complete.

3 answers

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Somesh Sahoo February 14, 2024

Watch my video to know how you can calculate epic progress % using jira automation

0 votes
Brandon Moberg October 21, 2022

Does anyone have a solution to using the % Done value in an Epic in reporting since it doesn't show up as a field? I'd love to be able to utilize this value in reporting from other products (i.e., Confluence) but since it's not a field, it doesn't show up. Any ideas?

Somesh Sahoo April 23, 2024

After calculating percentage through automation you can use the filter gadget and the % info you can select the field in the gadget

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Sam Nadarajan
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August 26, 2021

Hello Devin,

The % complete for Epics is based on the number of associated issues on the Epic that have a status category of "Done". For example, if an epic has 1 story and 3 tasks linked to it, then all 4 carry equal weight, and would need to be in a "Done" status category (green status in your Jira workflow) for the Epic to say 100% complete, regardless of the story points/time estimates on each issue). Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 9.30.11 AM.png

I'm not aware of a story % complete, or a similar feature that's native to Jira. Might need a marketplace app.

Hope this helps

Jason Chayer April 3, 2024

@Sam Nadarajan - can you get the information you have above on a dashboard with a native gadget? I am wanting to show all Epics for a project that have the percent complete for each Epic.

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