How can I find issues that was moved between projects with different categories?

Helle Overbeck February 18, 2019

All our projects have a category attached - we have 4 different categories.

It is OK to move issues between projects - as long as the projects have the same category. It is not OK to move an issue to another category.

How can I monitor if issues are moved between projects of different category?

Hope it is possible.

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Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
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February 18, 2019

Hello @Helle Overbeck 

"How can I monitor if issues are moved between projects of different category?"

But why would you want to do that? And if users are misusing the "move permission" in Jira then don't give them.

Also, the category operator doesn't support history search (Was operator)

Helle Overbeck February 18, 2019

Users need to be able to move issues between projects with the same category - so I cannot remove the permission :-(

No, I also looked for the history search option - but I was hoping it could be done in a different way

Tarun Sapra
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 18, 2019

Hello @Helle Overbeck 

In your case one of the way I can think of is to write a custom listener. The custom listener will be triggered everytime there is a "Issue Move" event and if the issue is moved to an project of different category then relevant stakeholders can be informed by email about it and they can inform the users to revert the change.

Helle Overbeck February 27, 2019


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