Hi ,Summary need to be customised.

Sukanya KM April 12, 2024

I need to preset the summary of service requests as service request name with reporter name for all the service request and need to hide from portal. Could you please help me to do that?

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Walter Buggenhout
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April 12, 2024

Hi @Sukanya KM and welcome to the Community!

You can hide the summary from your form by checking the box Use preset value and hide from portal. You may fill out the request name already as the default value.

Then, using an automation rule, you can update the summary after issues get created to add the reporter's name to it. The rule would be something like this:

  • trigger: issue created
  • condition: Issue fields condition / Request type equals <your request type>
  • action: edit issue

edit the summary field and set its value to:

{{issue.summary}} {{issue.reporter.displayName}}

Hope this helps!

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